Frank B. Sessa Scholarships for Continuing Professional Education of Beta Phi Mu Members Lottery registration for 2024 Sessa Scholarships is now OPEN. Beta Phi Mu members may register once between January 1 and August 31 each year.
2024 Garfield Recipients
Evelyn Cox, University of Oklahoma, Cultural Archivy: Indigenous Inclusivity Within Archival Infrastructures Jenna Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Implementing pre-trained language modeling approaches for author name disambiguation Jaihyun Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, A Computational Approach Toward Understanding Political Language of Ideologically Oppsing Groups - From Historical Newspapers to Social Media Valerie Vera, University of South Carolina, Navigating Digital Margins: Trauma-Informed Design for Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Information on Social Media Shengang Wang, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, LGBTQ University Students' Information Seeking and Sharing in Online Communities and the Influence of Social Media Li Yang, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Data Relevance: Conceptualization and Theorization in the Perspective of Knowledge Organization Zachary Stier, Ed.D. (Sigma Chapter) moves to the role of President.
Jennifer Steele, Ph.D.(Professional Member) moves to the role of Past President. We also welcome our new Vice-President/President-Elect Melissa Welden, MLIS (Beta Phi Chapter). Whitney Hammond, MLIS (Beta Chapter), Bruce Seger, MLIS (Beta Mu Chapter), and Rachel Lane Walden, MLIS (Beta Omega Chapter) join us as new Directors-At-Large. They join our continuing board members: Dr. Vicki Gregory, Treasurer (Beta Phi Chapter), Abigail Mastin, MLIS, Director (Alpha Chapter), and Laura Clark Hunt, Ph.D., Director (Gamma Chapter). Thanks to all of our members who participated in the voting process! |
Beta Phi Mu