The Beta Phi Mu Executive Board expresses condolences to the family of Dr. Eugene Garfield following his death on February 26, 2017. Dr. Garfield will be remembered for his many accomplishments as a researcher and founder of the Institute for Scientific Information. As the international library and information studies honor society, Beta Phi Mu values the support and encouragement that Dr. Garfield provided for doctoral students to excel in research. The recipients of the Beta Phi Mu/Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are one aspect of his legacy to the field.
Linda C. Smith 2016-2017 Beta Phi Mu President
Young Adult Literature, Libraries, and Conservative Activism by Loretta M. Gaffney is now available!
From the Preface to the book: [This book] "examines how librarians, teachers, cultural critics, and conservative library activists portray young adult (YA) literature and its readers. It analyzes public and professional discussions of YA in order to find points of agreement and contention and to bring a librarian's-eye-view to cultural criticism of teen media. It considers YA literature not simply as a body of literature written and published for a teen audience but also as a cultural signifier standing in for different constituencies' views of teenage reading." Beta Phi Mu members receive a 20% discount on all Scholars Series titles from Rowman & Littlefield. See more information on our Scholars Series Titles webpage. |
Beta Phi Mu