Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Recipients
The following is the complete list of the Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award winners.
Listings include the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database number and/or URLs for full text in institutional repositories, as available.
Listings include the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database number and/or URLs for full text in institutional repositories, as available.
- 2024
- Evelyn Cox, University of Oklahoma, Cultural Archivy: Indigenous Inclusivity Within Archival Infrastructures
- Jenna Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Implementing pre-trained language modeling approaches for author name disambiguation
Jaihyun Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, A Computational Approach Toward Understanding Political Language of Ideologically Oppsing Groups - From Historical Newspapers to Social Media
Valerie Vera, University of South Carolina, Navigating Digital Margins: Trauma-Informed Design for Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Information on Social Media
Shengang Wang, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, LGBTQ University Students' Information Seeking and Sharing in Online Communities and the Influence of Social Media
Li Yang, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Data Relevance: Conceptualization and Theorization in the Perspective of Knowledge Organization - 2023
Jessica Barfield, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Human-Robot Interaction: A Theoretical Approach
Jiarui Sun, University of California, Los Angeles, Hyphenated Family Heritage: Exploring the Dimensions of Chinese American Family Archives and Archiving Practices
Rebecca Jones, The Pennsylvania State University, Investigating and Addressing Digital Divides in Rural Appalachia with Digital Literacy Education
Sean D. Noel, Simmons University, Developing a research-based framework for teaching undergraduates with archives
Alyn Gamble, Simmons University, A Great Place to Meet: Oral histories of LGBTQ+ members of a mutual aid addiction recovery facility - 2022
Qiuyan Guo, University of Illinois, Exploring Chinese Celebrity Fans' Online Information Behaviors and Understandings of Their Fandom
Carina Guzman, University of Toronto, Stor(y)ing mi Desmadre: Trans- Feminist and Queer Community Archival and Digital Custodial Praxes in Latin America
Kaeli Nieves-Whitmore, University of Alabama, Students' Experiences of Library Anxiety in Physical Academic Library Space
Cynthia Orozco, University of California, Los Angeles, Community College Archives as Activism: A Case Study of a Faculty-Library Oral History Partnership Assignment
Grace Seo, the University of Missouri, Sustaining Open Educational Resources Initiatives in Higher Education: Case Studies and Analysis
Paul Thomas, Emporia State University, The Information Behavior of Wikipedia Fan Editors: A Digital Autoethnography - 2021
- Stephen Abrams
Queensland University of Technology/San José State University
Dissertation Title: "A Communicological Critique of Evaluative Norms for Digital Preservation Success"
Elizabeth Campbell
Drexel University
Dissertation Title: "A Framework for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Electronic Health Record Data; A Case Study in Childhood Obesity Incident”
Yi-Yun Cheng
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: "Agreeing to Disagree: Applying a Logic Based Approach to Reconciling and Merging Multiple Taxonomies"
Julaine Clunis
Kent State University
Dissertation Title: "Semantic Analysis Mapping Framework for Clinical Coding Schemes"
Lo Lee
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: "Exploring Information Behavior of Hobbyists and the Making Process of Arts and Crafts"
Rongquian Ma
University of Pittsburgh
Dissertation Title: "Bridging Sight and Insight: Visualization in Action among Digital Humanists"
- 2020
- Houda El mimouni
Drexel University
Dissertation Title: Robotic Telepresence in the Classroom and Values
Jiangen He
Drexel University
Dissertation Title: Predictive and Visual Analytics of Scientific Development”
Wenqing Lu, Simmons University
Dissertation Title: Using Social Media Tools for Collaborative Learning: An Mixed-Method Study on Academic Group Work by Worldwide iSchool Students
Lassana Magassa
University of Washington
Dissertation Title: "I am Not Computer Savy": A Look into the Everyday Digital Literacy Level of Formerly Incarcerated People Using a Novel Holistic Digital Literacy Framework”
Martin Nord
University of Western Ontario
Dissertation Title: Documents and the Positioning of the Moral Self: The United Church of Canada's Reconciliation Documents
Bonnie Tulloch
University of British Columbia
Dissertation Title: Do the Ends Justify the Memes? Exploring the Relationship between Youth, Internet Memes, and Digital Citizenship - 2019
- Jessica Lapp
University of Toronto
Dissertation Title: The Provenance of Protest: Conceptualizing Records Creation in Archives of Feminist Materials
ProQuest Number: 2466327785
Emily Maemura
University of Toronto
Dissertation Title: Logics of Order and Aggregation in Web Archiving Systems
J Elizabeth Mills
University of Washington
Dissertation Title: Never the Same Storytime Twice: An Exploration of the Nature and Role of Reflection in Public Library Storytime Assessment
Adèle Paul-Hus
Université de Montréal
Dissertation Title: Acknowledgements and Their Functions within the Reward System of Science
Laura Ridenour
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Dissertation Title: Examining the Notion of the Boundary Object in Information Systems: The Transdisciplinary Oeuvre of Cognitive Science
ProQuest Number: 28093899
Megan Threats
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Information Behaviors and Engagement Along the HIV Prevention and Care Continua
ProQuest Number: 27835055 - 2018
- Brian Dobreski
Syracuse University
Dissertation Title: Values in Knowledge Organization Standards: A Value Analysis of Resource Description and Access (RDA)
ProQuest Number: 2243194568
Jamila Ghaddar
University of Toronto
Dissertation Title: Archives, third world futurities and the making of a global order: UNESCO in the Middle East
Philipp Jordan
University of Hawaii
Dissertation Title: A Meta-Study and Content Analysis of Science Fiction in Computer Science Research
ProQuest Number: 2316005382
Hyoungjoo Park
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Dissertation Title: The Impact of Research Data Sharing and Reuse on Data Citation in STEM Fields
ProQuest Number: 2170632801
Jennifer Pierre
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation Title: Building a Digital Family: Examining Social Media and Social Support in the Development of Youth 'At-Risk'
ProQuest Number: 2246399012
Mei Zhang
University of Wisconsin- Madison
Dissertation Title: What Counts as a Good Selection? eBook Product Selection in U.S. Academic Libraries
ProQuest Number: 2228839257
- 2017
- Kathy Brennan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Loan Me the Money: How Cognitive Abilities and Financial Knowledge Influence Consumers' Information Behaviors
ProQuest Number: 2108976565
Karen Kaufmann
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)/San Jose State University (SJSU)
Dissertation Title: “Socio-Cognitive Relevance of Information Literacy: The Impact on Student Academic Work”
Available through QUT ePrints at:
Emily Lawrence
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: Reading for Democratic Citizenship: A New Model for Readers' Advisory
Andrea Thomer
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: Site-Based Data Curation: Bridging Data Collection Protocols and Curatorial Processes at Scientifically Significant Sites
ProQuest Number: 2165572262
Emily Vardell
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Health Insurance Literacy: How People Understand and Make Health Insurance Purchase Decisions
ProQuest Number: 1952045721
Yongjun Zhu
Drexel University
Dissertation Title: Graph-Based Interactive Bibliographic Information Retrieval Systems
ProQuest Number: 1884623840 - 2016
Sarah Buchanan
University of Texas
Dissertation Title: A Provenance Research Study of Archaeological Curation
ProQuest Number: 10390410
Rachel Clarke
University of Washington
Dissertation Title: It’s Not Rocket Library Science: Design Epistemology and American Librarianship
ProQuest Number: 10162188
Wei Jeng
University of Pittsburgh
Dissertation Title: Qualitative Data-Sharing Practices in Social Sciences
ProQuest Number: 1944514828
Jinseok Kim
University of Illinois
Dissertation Title: The Impact of Author Name Disambiguation on Knowledge Discovery from Large-Scale Scholarly Data
ProQuest Number: 2059835548
Robert Montoya
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation Title: Contingent Consensus: Documentary Control in Biodiversity Classifications
ProQuest Number: 10286986 - Min Sook Park
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Exploring Social Semantic Relationships for Knowledge Representation in Health through Mining Social Data
ProQuest Number: 10161134
- 2015
Tiffany Chao
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: Methods Metadata: Curating Scientific Research Data for Reuse
ProQuest Number: 3740417
Morgan Currie
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation Title: The Data-fication of Openness: The Practices and Policies of Open Government Data in Los Angeles
ProQuest Number: 10248323
Noah Lenstra
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: The Community Informatics of an Aging Society: A Comparative Case Study of Senior Centers and Public Libraries
ProQuest Number: 10609911
Teresa Prendergast
University of British Columbia
Dissertation Title: Early Literacy in the Lives of Children with Disabilities: Exploring the Experiences and Perspectives of Parents and Public Library Children’s Librarians
Nicholas Weber
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Title: A Framework for Analyzing the Sustainability of Science Commons
ProQuest Number: 3740582
Ayoung Yoon
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Data Reuse and Users’ Trust Judgement: Toward Trusted Data Curation
ProQuest Number: 3719920
- 2014
Rhiannon Gainor
McGill University, Canada
Dissertation Title: Measuring Competitive Intelligence Outcomes
Available through McGill University Libraries at http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=127133
Katherine Howard
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Dissertation Title: The GLAM* Convergence: Implications for the Education of Cultural Heritage Information Professionals in Australia (*Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)
Aisha Johnson
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Developing Southern Libraries to Influence the Life of the African-American User: An Exploratory, Archival Analysis
ProQuest Number: 3705842
Lorraine Dong
The University of Texas at Austin
Dissertation Title: The Social Ecologies of Mental Institution Records
Amelia Acker
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation Title: Born-Networked Records: A History of the Short Message Service
ProQuest Number: 3623371
Kyle Jones
University of Wisconsin
Dissertation Title: All the Data We Can Get: A Contextual Study of Learning Analytics and Student Privacy
ProQuest Number: 3740991
Kaitlin Costello
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Social Information Behaviors in the Context of Chronic Kidney Disease: Information Seeking and Disclosure in Online Support Groups
ProQuest Number: 3719734
- 2014
- 2013
Elisabeth Jones
University of Washington
Dissertation Title: Constructing the Universal Library
ProQuest Number: 3631849
Jinxuan Ma
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Interacting with Health Information for Self-Care: An Exploratory Study of Undergraduates’ Health Information Literacy
ProQuest Number: 3625898
Claudia Serbanuta
University of Illinois
Dissertation Title: Voices from the Other Side of the Wall: The Case of Romanian Public Libraries of the 1970s and the 1980s
Miriam Sweeney
University of Illinois
Dissertation Title: Servants of Cyberspace: A Critical Analysis of Microsoft’s Ms. Dewey
ProQuest Number: 3632336
Adam Worrall
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: The Roles of Digital Libraries as Boundary Objects Within and Across Social and Information Worlds
ProQuest Number: 3638098
Erjia Yan
Indiana University
Dissertation Title: Towards a Systematic Approach for Studying Scholarly Communication through Scholarly Networks
ProQuest Number: 3587518
- 2013
- 2012
C. Sean Burns
University of Missouri
Dissertation Title: Free or Open Access to Scholarly Documentation: Google Scholar or Academic Libraries
ProQuest Number: 3576007
Laura Christopherson
University of North Carolina
Dissertation Title: Understanding Online Communication: Developing a Lexicon to Support Search, Capture, and Use
ProQuest Number: 3593227
Marianne Martens
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: A Historical and Comparative Analysis of Multiplatform Books: Technologies of Production, User-Generated Content, and Economics of Immaterial and Affective Labor
ProQuest Number: 3550710
Xi Niu
University of North Carolina
Dissertation Title: Beyond Text Queries and Ranked Lists: Faceted Search in Library Catalogs
ProQuest Number: 3512668
Sarah Roberts
University of Illinois
Dissertation Title: Behind the Screen: The Hidden Digital Labor of Video Content Moderators
ProQuest Number: 3673833
Ji Yeon Yang
University of Michigan
Dissertation Title: A Dyadic Approach to Understanding Information Mediation in the Workplace
Available through the University of Michigan Libraries and online at
- 2012
- 2011
Sofia Athenikos
Drexel University
Dissertation Title: Enabling Entity Retrieval by Exploiting Wikipedia as a Semantic Knowledge Source
ProQuest Number: 3484756
Amber Cushing
University of North Carolina
Dissertation Title: Possession and Self Extension in Digital Environments: Implications for Maintaining Personal Information
ProQuest Number: 3512616
Keisuke Inoue
Syracuse University
Dissertation Title: Investigation of the Linguistic Properties of Information-Seeking Computer-Mediated Communication, through Discourse Analysis of Digital Reference Interview Logs and Machine Learning Experiments.
ProQuest Number: 3561456
Amy VanScoy
University of North Carolina
Dissertation Title: Exploring the Meaning of Reference Work for Librarians in Academic Research Libraries
ProQuest Number: 3512790
Hollie White
University of North Carolina
Dissertation Title: Experimentally Influenced Study of the Organizing Issues Associated with Scientific Data Sets
ProQuest Number: 3512772
Yong Yi
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Consumer Health Information Behavior in Public Libraries: A Mixed Methods Study
ProQuest Number: 3519396
- 2011
- 2010
Kim Anderson
UCLA Department of Information Studies
Dissertation title: Appraisal Learning Networks: How University Archivists Learn to Appraise Through Social Interaction
ProQuest Number: 3486608
Jeanette de Richemond
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: What is “Enough Information?”
Carolyn Hank
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Scholars and their Blogs: Characteristics, Preferences and Perceptions Impacting Digital Preservation
ProQuest Number: 3456270
Kyungwon Koh
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Proposing a Theoretical Framework for Digital Age Youth Information Behavior Building upon Radical Change Theory
ProQuest Number: 3483577
Ellen Pozzi
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: The Public Library in an Immigrant Neighborhood: A Case Study of Italian Immigrants’ Literacies in Newark (NJ), 1889-1919
ProQuest Number: 3606593
Ellen Rubenstein
University of Illinois
Dissertation Title: Ethnography of an Online Breast Cancer Support Group
ProQuest Number: 3496660
- 2010
- 2009
Bradley Wade Bishop
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Chat Reference and Location-Based Questions: A Multi-Method Evaluation of a Statewide Chat Reference Consortium
ProQuest Number: 3442102
Jennifer Crispin
University of Missouri
Dissertation Title: Discovering the Social Organization of School Library Work
ProQuest Number: 3458968
Linda R. Most
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: The Rural Public Library as Place in North Florida: A Case Study
ProQuest Number: 3400213
Zhixian (George) Yi
Texas Woman’s University
Dissertation Title: The Management of Change in the Information Age: Approaches of Academic Library Directors in the United States
ProQuest Number: 3414408
- 2009
- 2008
Serhiy Polyakov
University of North Texas
Dissertation Title: Enhancing User Search Experience in Digital Libraries with Rotated Latent Semantic Indexing
ProQuest Number: 10034369
Xiaoli Huang
University of Maryland – College Park
Dissertation Title: Topicality Reconsidered: A Conceptual Analysis of Topical Relevance Relationships
ProQuest Number: 3372863
Yong-Mi Kim
University of Michigan
Dissertation Title: Topicality Reconsidered: The Role of Tags in Information Retrieval Interaction
ProQuest Number: 3492916
Maria Souden
University of Michigan
Dissertation Title: Information Work in the Context of the Experience of Chronic Illness
ProQuest Number: 3458827
Mary Jo Venetis
University of North Texas
Dissertation Title: Identification of Remote Leadership Patterns in the LIS Field
ProQuest Number: 3352149
Pengyi Zhang
University of Maryland – College Park
Dissertation Title: Supporting Sense-Making with Tools for Structuring a Conceptual Space
ProQuest Number: 3409887
- 2008
- 2007
Donghua Tao
University of Missouri – Columbia
Dissertation Title: Using Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) in Understanding Selection and Use of Information
Available online at
- 2007
- 2006
Bethany Letalien
University of Texas at Austin
Dissertation Title: Vexations, Volumes, and Volunteers: Institutionalization and the Veneration of Information at a Small International NGO
ProQuest Number: 3372626
- 2006
- 2005
Brian Arbogast de Hubert Miller
Florida State University
Unfortunately, Brian Miller succumbed to cancer in April, 2006 before completing his dissertation. He was a respected member of the information architecture community and participated in the first seven IA Summits sponsored by ASIS&T. He, along with his potential further contributions to the field, are missed.
- 2005
- 2004
Arif Dagli
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Culture and Information Needs in Web-Based Learning
ProQuest Number: 3183054
Bin Li
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: The Social Construction of Web Appropriation and Use in American Libraries: An Interpretive and Longitudinal Approach
ProQuest Number: 3190280
Jianqiang Wang
University of Maryland – College Park
Dissertation Title: Matching Meaning for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
ProQuest Number: 3202413
Mia Liza A. Lustria
University of Kentucky
Dissertation Title: Can Interactivity Make a Difference? Effects of Interactivity on Young Adults’ Comprehension of Online Health Content
ProQuest Number: 3227398
Xiaojun Yuan
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: Supporting Multiple Information-Seeking Strategies in a Single System Framework
ProQuest Number: 3349604
Jinwon Ho
University at Albany/SUNY
Dissertation Title: A Comprehensive Model for Assessing Information Values: Toward a Theory for Valuing Information Technology Investment
ProQuest Number: 3196112
- 2004
- 2003
Darius Mahdjoubi
University of Texas at Austin
Dissertation Title: Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Business Plans, Capital, Technology and Growth of New Ventures in Austin, Texas
ProQuest Number: 3143305
Yungrang Cheng
Indiana University
Dissertation Title: Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions: Quantitative Comparisons of Interactions and Relationships Among Three Factors in College Students’ Information Seeking
ProQuest Number: 3156319
Amgad Elgohary
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Educational Preparation of Entry-Level Professional Librarians Employed by Florida Research Libraries
ProQuest Number: 3109500
- 2003
- 2002
Kelly L. Maglaughlin
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: An Exploration of Interdisciplinary Academic Scientific Collaboration Factors
ProQuest Number: 3112048
Jeffrey Pomerantz
Syracuse University
Dissertation Title: Question Taxonomies for Digital Reference
ProQuest Number: 3251480
Heiko Haubitz
University of Texas at Austin
Dissertation Title: The Use of Public Web Portals by Undergraduate Students
ProQuest Number: 3215469
Jinmook Kim
University of Maryland at College Park
Dissertation Title: Relevance Judgments and Query Reformulation by Users Interacting with a Speech Retrieval System
ProQuest Number: 3212625
Diane Kelly
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: Understanding Implicit Feedback and Document Preference: A Naturalistic User Study
ProQuest Number: 3117613
Ciaran B. Trace
UCLA Department of Information Studies
Dissertation Title: Documenting School Life: Formal and Informal Imprints of a Fifth Grade Classroom
ProQuest Number: 3142537
- 2002
- 2001
Laura Slaughter
University of Maryland – College Park
Dissertation Title: Semantic Relationships in Health Consumer Questions and Physicians’ Answers: A Basis for Representing Medical Knowledge and for Concept Exploration Interfaces.
ProQuest Number: 3080292
Eun Park
UCLA Department of Information Studies
Dissertation Title: Developing a Framework for Authenticity Requirements in University Student Records Systems: An Exploratory Study
ProQuest Number: 3089005
Anthony Tse
University of Maryland – College Park
Dissertation Title: Identifying and Characterizing a “Consumer Medical Vocabulary”
ProQuest Number: 3094547
Kiduk Yang
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Combining Text-, Link-, and Classification-Based Retrieval Methods to Enhance Information Discovery on the Web
ProQuest Number: 3061740
Shawne D. Miksa
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Pigeonholes and Punchcards: Identifying the Division between Library Classification Research and Onformation Retrieval Research, 1952—1970
ProQuest Number: 3057561
Seung-Lye Kim
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Workshop on Collaboration and Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
ProQuest Number: 3129745
Julie Griffith
University of Alabama
Dissertation Title: A Rhizomatic Inquiry into Legal Classification: “Taking Differences”, Discourse, and Domestic Violence
ProQuest Number: 3115053
- 2001
- 2000
Denise E. Agosto
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: Sound, Color, and Action: Bounded Rationality and Satisficing in Young People’s Examination of World Wide Web Resources
ProQuest Number: 3027977
Boryung Ju
Florida State University
Dissertation Title: Assessing Usability of Menu-Driven Interfaces: The User-Process Model Approach
ProQuest Number: 3042023
Wen-chin Lan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: From Document Clues to Descriptive Metadata: Document Characteristics Used by Graduate Students in Judging the Usefulness of Web Documents
ProQuest Number: 3061699
Emily Marsh
University of Maryland at College Park
Dissertation Title: Rhetorical Relationships between Images and Text in Web Pages
ProQuest Number: 3078324
Kyunghye Yoon
Syracuse University
Dissertation Title: Certainty, Uncertainty and the Role of Topic and Comment in Interpersonal Information Seeking Interactions
ProQuest Number: 3107863
- 2000
- 1999
Anne Diekema
Syracuse University
Dissertation Title: Translation Events in Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Lexical Ambiguity, Lexical Holes, Vocabulary Mismatch, and Correct Translations
ProQuest Number: 3099726
William B. Edgar
University of Alabama
Dissertation Title: Corporate Library Resource Selection and Corporate Core Competencies: Exploring the Connections
ProQuest Number: 9996470
Anita Komlodi
University of Maryland – College Park
Dissertation Title: Search History for User Support in Information-Seeking Interfaces
ProQuest Number: 3055587
Shin-jeng Lin
Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey, School of Communication and Information
Dissertation Title: Modeling and Supporting Multiple Information Seeking Episodes over the Web
ProQuest Number: 3062480
Rong Tang
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Use of Relevance Criteria across Stages of Document Evaluation: A Micro Level and Macro Level Analysis
ProQuest Number: 9954723
Youngok Choi
University of Pittsburgh
Dissertation Title: The Characteristics of Users’ Queries and Users’ Relevance Criteria in Image Retrieval in American History
ProQuest Number: 9974413
- 1999