The Beta Phi Mu International Library and Information Studies Honor Society is pleased to announce the results of the 2017 elections for new Executive Board Directors and Officers.
In the May, 2017 online election, Dr. Elaine Yontz, professor in the Library Science Program at East Carolina University and a founding member of Beta Beta Omicron Chapter, was elected Vice President/President Elect. Dr. Emily Knox, Assistant Professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois and a member of Alpha Chapter, was elected to the position of Treasurer. Michelle Demeter, MSLIS, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Services at Florida State University’s Strozier Library and a member of Gamma Chapter, was elected Director-at-Large. Dr. Vicki Gregory, Professor in the School of Information at the University of South Florida and a Beta Phi Chapter member, will serve as Beta Phi Mu President for 2017-2018. In the election held at Beta Phi Mu’s Annual Business Meeting in Chicago on June 24th, Dr. Laura Saunders, Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College and a member of Beta Beta Chapter, was elected to a second term as Director. Dr. Gordon Baker, Dean of University Libraries at Clayton State University and Beta Beta Mu Chapter member, was also elected as a Director. For more information, see the complete press release here.
Beta Phi Mu